Thursday, April 9, 2020

He Is the King

Luke 22:15 And he said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer."

What must it have been like for Jesus to have this final meal with his friends? He was sharing himself with them, trying to tell them what was going to transpire in the coming hours, but they couldn't hear it. They were celebrating the right thing (He is the King) at the wrong time (too early). I wonder how often the sentiment of these words cross Jesus' lips with me in mind. How often does He think about eagerly spending time with me and telling me something that will change my life completely? I believe He eagerly desires to spend time with me daily. Jesus is all about me, just as He is all about you. He desires to be in relationship with each and every one of us, personally. Following the meal, Jesus washed the disciples' feet, showing his concern for each individual person. I am sure it was incredibly personal. I wonder what he talked about with each one of them. I wonder what it was like to have the King of Glory wash your feet. How intimate. How humbling. How indescribably impactful. On this day, I try to imagine myself at that last supper with Christ. I try to picture myself at the table, hearing his words, seeing his actions. I try to grasp the meaning of my Lord washing my feet. There are no words. Sometimes, I just have to sit in awe of God being Himself as a man.

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