Thursday, March 19, 2020

Faith Made Visible

Exodus 33:15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here."

I have a feeling that this was the same statement Jesus made when he started his journey to Jerusalem. It seems that every step he took on that trip was led by a very particular Holy Guide. He crosses the Jordan into the edge of the wilderness. He will cross back just as the Israelites did years before him. It's such an interesting journey with so many parallels to the nation of Israel. Jesus is leading the way. Yes, he is the very Presence of God this time, but he still needs the Father. When I think about my life and how I look at new ventures and new paths, how do I handle them? Do I work to get up enough gumption to make the change on my own? Do I find all of the information to be sure I am making the best possible decision and then move forward? Do I check my feelings to see if I am happy with the change and then move on? All of these are important steps in the decision-making process, but the most important one I have overlooked. Is God going before me? Has God prepared the way for me, and is He pressing me to move forward? Faith becomes visible when God goes ahead. His peace becomes my guide. There may be chaos outside, but seek first His Kingdom and peace will reign within.

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