Sunday, March 15, 2020

Prayer to My Lord

Lord, today I invite You to sit with me. Come near that I may draw near to You. Father, Your justice and mercy have been an ever-present Light in these days. You have shown Your truth through the Word. You are in control and have made all things possible. Jesus, friend, I am humbly grateful for the sacrifice You made on my behalf. You took my penalty in the form of pain and anguish because of Your love and compassion for my brokenness. By Your blood I am redeemed. Holy Spirit, you renew and restore my soul daily. My entire life is being transformed through Your grace. You lift me to heights unseen and from depths untold. Lord, you are my everything. You are the reason I am who I am. You are the One who continues the good work You began. You will complete it because You have spoken it to being. You are enthroned as the Holy One. All praise and glory to You, Sovereign Lord. For you reign over all of Heaven and Earth, and Your will is being accomplished. So be it!

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