Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Turn Toward Home

John 12:1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

After crossing the Jordan, Jesus begins the final part of his journey to Jerusalem. He has turned toward home. I absolutely love this thought. There is so much to those words, turned toward home. Jesus is on The Jericho Road to climb his way to Jerusalem to the temple for the Passover. He is going to the place he knows so well. He is fully aware of what will happen and he is not deterred. He is ready to go home. He is visiting friends. He is sharing his peace. He is making His Kingdom visible, yet no one is really getting it. Jesus is on His way to ensure my place in Heaven with Him, and no one understands what that is going to take. It must have been a lonely place for him. He was trying to tell the disciples, but they were so hyped up on defeating Rome that they couldn't truly listen. They were distracted by the worldly kingdoms. Alas, I do not want to be distracted by a worldly kingdom. I want to live in Jesus' Kingdom through Him and not let the world keep me from His truth. Jesus turned toward home. I want to turn toward home with Him.

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