Sunday, March 22, 2020

Make Heaven a Reality

Jesus, our world is in great need, as we have always been. But Lord, in this time, we are struggling to find the answers to difficult questions that connect all of us in an undeniable way. Our world seems to be upside down, and yet, that's exactly how your Kingdom is. Lord, give us eyes to see the hope in the darkness. Shed light on the path, that we may understand. Help us to know You are present. Let us see the beauty in the design of the world, the way it works together, cells, people, and universe. Father, I know you are in control. I know you have a greater plan than any of us can fathom. You are working. You are seeking to get closer to each and every one of us. May I make time to let you in. May I give my energy to the things that put me in Your presence. Meet me here. Show me Your Kingdom. You have already brought Heaven to earth in Christ; Holy Spirit, make Heaven a reality for us here. Amen.

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