Saturday, March 21, 2020

He Seeks Me

Mark 9:24 Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

I have been in this same spot, believing, but stating it in a "God if you can" kind of way. I don't know that this is so much a faithless statement as it is an uncertainty of what I think I know that God is going to do. Did you get that? One of the hardest parts about following God is knowing what you know. Ya know? 😉 It's not giving in to the the fatalist life where everything is just going to go as it goes, and I have no control anyway. in to the sovereignty of God in a way that makes it appear that He has none of my interest in mind, just His own. Neither of those is a good place. God's sovereignty, simply put, is that God has control over all of His creation...always. He is in control...always. It does not mean that He is running us like robots and making us do whatever He wishes, not even close. God has set the world in motion. It got off course very early with the original sin in the garden. Now, God intervenes as He sees the need for my betterment and my growth toward Him. Sometimes His intervention is coming to me in my time of need, not fixing my need. Sometimes His intervention is a miraculous healing. If I am to know the will of God and understand what actions He will do, then I have to be talking to Him on a regular basis. I have to know that voice. I have to understand that individual. I have to become friends with Jesus. It's not that God has certain things He can't or won't do. He can do anything. It's that He is always, I mean always, seeking to be closer to me, and will do whatever that takes to make it happen. Even to death on a cross.

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