Friday, March 20, 2020

Savoring His Last Moments

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

During Lent waiting seems to be a part of the journey. Jesus is on the road to finish the work he was sent to do, but it doesn't just take him a day or two. He spends time with people and in places that are significant from his own journey. He takes the long road for reasons I cannot fully understand. He spends time with his disciples and in prayer. He is taking his time. Is it to prepare himself? Is he not quite ready? What is the purpose behind his waiting? There are so many verses about waiting, so there must be some positive to it. The longer something takes the more we get a clear view. We learn more information. We find others who are in the same experience. We seek understanding in the long term rather than the quick fix for the short term. It's as if Jesus knows what the long term effects of this journey will be. He knows that I will be reading his Word in 2020 and finding new life in it. He knows that his impact is far more reaching than just those people with him on his trip to Jerusalem. He is savoring his last moments on earth for my benefit. He is showing me His Kingdom here on earth. Waiting on God is not about growing your patience. Waiting on God is about experiencing His Kingdom here and now.

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