Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Glory In the Trial

Joshua 5:15 The commander of the Lord's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so.

Jumping back into the Old Testament, back to the moment when the Israelites had crossed the Jordan. Crossing the Jordan was not the battle. They had another battle on the other side, the city of Jericho. Once they are there, Joshua realizes he is in the midst of the Holy One. Jesus, hundreds of years later is going to experience a similar situation. He's going to cross the Jordan, but the battle for him is still ahead...in Jerusalem. Jesus is leading the way to battle, a battle that none of them was expecting. They are walking where the "greats" have walked, yet they are on a very different journey. In all of Israel's history it has been God going before them, leading them. And now that God is on the planet with them, He is leading them again. What battle am I experiencing right now? Have I asked Jesus to go ahead of me? Have I found a place where God is inviting me to experience His holiness and remove my sandals? This is what I seek. I want to look ahead to where God is moving and follow Him. I don't think the disciples really understood the battle that was coming. I think they had missed it completely, and I don't know that I blame them. However, there is no excuse for me to miss it. I have so many historical, Biblical, and personal references to see God's moving. Lord, don't let me miss the Your glory in the trial!

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