Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Sober Truth

Psalm 22:1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?

I get it, Mr. Psalmist. I feel your pain and frustration. I know your hurt and loneliness. I understand this place. We all get here at times. We have moments where our prayers seem to be unheard. We have circumstances that appear to be unseen. "How could a loving God not answer me when I'm in agony?" And people quickly jump in and say, "Yeah! Where's God? He doesn't even care!" Interestingly enough, the psalmist follows his words with praise and adoration of God. I don't often think to follow up these words with that sentiment. So what question is appropriate when God seems to have gone MIA. What if it has more to do with where I am than where God is? The question isn't, "Where is God?" The question is, "Where am I?" I have to look at myself with sober judgement. God's probably not the issue, but I definitely could be. I have to take a serious look at my intentions. What am I seeking? Ease... Simplicity... Happiness... Satisfaction... Jesus will say these same words years and years later, but his groaning is a reality. His battle is for my life. He is left on the cross to bear my sin and to experience life without the Father on my behalf. My groaning is nothing. God has not forsaken me and He never will. It was finished by my friend and Savior, Jesus. Where am I, when it seems God has left? Who am I trusting, when it seems God has failed? Maybe praise and adoration is something I can learn from the psalmist when these words seem to find me.

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