Monday, March 2, 2020

Humbling and Empowering

John 17:20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message."

Jesus' prayer in the garden is a stark reminder of who was on his mind before he was arrested. I was. You were. Every one of us crossed his mind as he prayed. Jesus is taking his last moments of solitude to pray His strength, His glory, and His love onto us. The intercession of Jesus on my behalf has long been something I have dwelt upon. The interesting thing to me today is the fact that I never really thought about his intercession for me while he was walking the earth. I tend to think of it as happening now, as He sits on the mercy seat and I live out my life on earth. But the truth is, He has had me in His mind from the very beginning. What a humbling and empowering thought! The Lord of Life and my personal Creator has been thinking of me and praying for me before I ever came to be. His purpose has always been for me. What a loving God!

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