Monday, March 23, 2020

Twelve Stone Marker

Joshua 4:9 Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle of the Jordan at the spot where the priests who carried the ark of the covenant had stood. And they are there to this day.

This is very likely the same spot where Jesus crossed over the Jordan into Jericho just before he heads into Jerusalem. Many amazing things from Israel's history are in this very spot. It's as if this spot is the marker of a "new day" and Jesus is crossing with the same intention. The twelve stone marker was something the Jewish people knew well. It was a way for God's work to be remembered and told. I've been thinking about my own "twelve stone marker" today. What markers do I have in my life that are a remembrancer of the amazing things God has done? They are things like a particular Bible, a rose, a photo, a ring, and so on. I find these to be important reminders of the work God has done in, around, and through me. With that, I'm thinking about where Jesus wants to walk with me on this journey to Jerusalem. What is He inviting me to remember during this Lent? I want to be aware of His movements.

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