Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Shield of Faith

Ephesians 6:16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Oh, the flaming arrows of the evil one...tiresome...annoying...discouraging. All of my responsive words there are not words from God, and that is exactly what Satan is hoping for. He is hoping that when he throws his little darts at me that he pierces me enough to get my attention, to remove my focus and put my attention on my little wounds. I don't like to say it, but it often works. I find myself focused on the little things going on that seem to be frustrating or binding. I look at the inconveniences of a situation. I check out the small problems that are truly miniscule but many. I pay attention to how I'm adjusting my wants to take care of my needs and am frustrated with not getting my way. Jesus dealt with these flaming arrows too, although I think the arrows he dealt with were way larger than the small dart-like ones I deal with. What I need to remember is that Jesus never lost focus. He never took his eyes off the Father. When Satan tempted him in the desert, he responded with the Word. He didn't lose focus as he walked the way to Jerusalem, even as people started to question his authenticity and authority. He didn't pay attention to the petty earthly things, which take my attention. No. He stayed the course with steadfast love and Kingdom eyes. His mind was set. He fixed his eyes on Jerusalem for my sake and there was no discouraging him. We were his joy and there was no distraction that could remove us from his mind. His shield of faith was fully in tact, fully placed. He was not going to be deterred. I have access to that same shield. All I have to do is call on the One who wields it and He will put it in place. Focus on Jesus and let His armor shield you.

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